Bear Whitetail II Compound Bow RH 50-60# DW 30' DL Hunting Bowfishing Bear WhiteTail Legend Compound Bow, Quiver, and 4 Arrows BEAR WHITETAIL HUNTER BOW USER-OWNER MANUAL PDF EBOOK ON A CD NONFICTION. Adjustable Weights and Lengths From Child to Legend. DESIGN A BOW THAT ALLOWS FOR A DRAW WEIGHT ADJUSTMENT from 5 to 70 pounds. Mar 26, 2009 I was told tat the way to do it is by changing the wheels and perhaps the cables but in order to find out wich ones a manual would be nice. Bear Archery was purchased by some other company so no help there. I gess I will have to save some money and buy a new bow but not being able to work that is not going to be easy. The Whitetail II was.
- American Whitetail Archery
- Bear Whitetail 2 Manual
Lastmanuals offers a socially driven service of sharing, storing and searching manuals related to use of hardware and software : user guide, owner's manual, quick start guide, technical datasheets... DON'T FORGET : ALWAYS READ THE USER GUIDE BEFORE BUYING !!!

American Whitetail Archery
Bear Whitetail 2 Compound Bow Reviews I'm looking for a manual for Bear Whitetail II compound bow. If anyone knows where I can find that, I'd appreciate the help. Classic Bear Whitetail II Compound Bow in full camo. Bear archery whitetail ii: 861 user reviews tests and trials features bear archery whitetail ii price. Oct 14, 2017 Compound String B50 39in 16st Blk MCS-SEL. 5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect replacement string for my old Bear Whitetail Hunter! October 10, 2015. Compound Bow Archery Essential Archer Upgrade Combo Sight Kits Shooting Hunting Set Including 5-pin Bow Sight, Arrow Rest, Stabilizer, Braided Bow Sling, Peep Sight,D-Loop.
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If this document matches the user guide, instructions manual or user manual, feature sets, schematics you are looking for, download it now. Lastmanuals provides you a fast and easy access to the user manual BEAR ARCHERY WHITETAIL II. We hope that this BEAR ARCHERY WHITETAIL II user guide will be useful to you.
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Manual abstract: user guide BEAR ARCHERY WHITETAIL II
Detailed instructions for use are in the User's Guide.
[. . . ] This creates a limb capable of storing optimal amounts of energy unlike any other bow in the industry. For that reason, the use of limb mounted accessories such as vibration dampeners must be restricted. These particular accessories MUST NOT BE mounted more than 2 inches from the limb pockets. Mounting limb accessories more than 2 inches away from the pockets, particularly clamping type accessories, can potentially damage the limbs and void the warranty. [. . . ] Then, rub it gently with your fingers or a soft piece of leather to work the wax into the strands. ·Bear Archery strongly recommends replacing the bowstring and cable annually. Please visit your local Bear Archery dealer for assistance. BOW ADJUSTMENTS Peak Draw Weight Adjustment Bear Archery bows have a 10 pound peak weight adjustment range. If your bow is equipped with limb bolt lock downs, make sure these screws (small single button head screw attached to riser through 'tang' protruding from underneath the limb pocket) are loosened before making any weight adjustments. Using a 7/32' hex wrench, turn the limb bolts clockwise to increase peak weight and counterclockwise to reduce peak weight. Bow weight will increase or decrease approximately two to four pounds per turn. Likewise, do not turn one limb bolt more than two turns ahead of the other when making adjustments. Bows with limb bolt lockdowns: After all tuning adjustments have been made; engage the limb bolt lock down screws. Screws should be snug against the limb pocket 'tang'. 11 12 BOW ADJUSTMENTS CAM ADJUSTMENTS Adjusting Draw Length Perimeter Weighted Modular Single Cam The perimeter weighted single cam has a modular draw length adjustment. Most draw length adjustments can be made without the use of a bow press. Draw length changes are made by simply changing modules and moving the draw stop. Accessory modules are available from your local Bear Archery dealer in one-inch draw length increments. Each module is numbered, with #10 being the longest draw length and #4 being the shortest. To change modules remove the socket head cap screws from the present module, remove that module and replace with a new module. USE ONLY RH changed, the draw stop must also be moved to the corresponding setting marked on the cam. Draw stop must be positioned so that the side marked 'OUT' faces out. MODULES ON RIGHT HAND CAMS AND LH MODULES ON LH CAMS!When a module is CounterClockwise Decreases Peak Weight Limb Bolt Assembly Clockwise Increases Peak Weight Limb Bolt Lockdown Tang & Screw Additionally, fine draw length adjustments of ½ inch can be made by removing the bowstring from the standard 'dot' string post and reattaching it to either the '+' or '-' string posts on the cam. Moving the string to the '+' post will increase draw length by ½' and moving the string to the '-' post will decrease draw length by ½'. To make such adjustments, it is first necessary to remove tension from the harness system of the bow by compressing the bow in a bow press. Under NO circumstances can this relaxing of the harness system be accomplished by simply backing out limb bolts. Refer to the images on the next page for additional reference. 13 14 CAM ADJUSTMENTS Module number '+' Post CAM ADJUSTMENTS Adjusting Draw Length Modular Single Cam The modular single cams have a modular draw length adjustment. Most draw length adjustments can be made without the use of a bow press. [. . . ] Bow Warranty Registration: For this warranty to be in effect, the on-line warranty registration process must be completed at BearArcheryProducts. com and submitted within 30 days of purchase. Youth Bows: 90 Day Limited Warranty to the original owner. X Multiply by 5 Grains per Pound = Minimum Safe Arrow Weight (Grains) Shooting arrows below these minimum weight requirements will void the warranty. Using arrows below five grains per pound of peak weight can approach dry-fire conditions and can severely reduce the life of your bow, and may cause serious injury. Contact your local Bear Archery pro shop or arrow manufacturers for arrow selection recommendations. [. . . ]
Bear Whitetail 2 Manual
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Click on 'Download the user Manual' at the end of this Contract if you accept its terms, the downloading of the manual BEAR ARCHERY WHITETAIL II will begin.