Optikey supports the following eye trackers...

Low cost:
- Dec 31, 2017 We verified our methodology with web-based e-commerce application SimplyTick with using eye-tracking data that was registered using Tobii X2-60 eye-tracker and Tobii Studio software. For the analysis we have used the registered gaze fixation heat maps and AOI (Area of Interest) statistical data analysis.
- Tobii Dynavox PCEye Explore User’s manual v.1.0 - en-US 3 Getting Started with PCEye Explore 7 4 First Start Up of PCEye Explore After running the Gaze Point Installation Guide and attaching the PCEye Explore to your computer, the Gaze Point Setup will.
- If you have a peripheral eye tracker such as the EyeX, SteelSeries Sentry or the Eye Tracker 4C, connect your eye tracker. Please make sure to use a USB 2.0 port for the Eye Tracker 4C and USB 3.0 port for the EyeX and the SteelSeries Sentry. We've started to roll out our new Tobii Experience app for some devices. Just plug it in and it will.
- The aim of the study was to present and verify the methodology used in usability tests for web pages graphic designs with the use of: eye-tracking registration and first click tasks with participation of users. The usability analysis is based on both the observation of the user performance as well.
- Have been replaced by the Tobii Pro X2-60 and Tobii Pro X3-120 eye trackers. Looking for documentation, guides. Product This product is discontinued and has been replaced by the Tobii Pro X2-30 eye tracker. Looking for documents. Download information, user guides or drivers. The T60 and the T120 have been discontinued.
The Tobii X2–60 Eye Tracker should be mounted according to MANUFACTURER instructions of approved mounts. Tobii or its agents are not liable for damage or injuries to a person or its property due to a Tobii X2–60 Eye Tracker falling from a mounted configuration. The mounting of a Tobii X2–60 Eye Tracker is done entirely at the user’s own.
- Tobii Eye Tracker 4C ¹ - listed price (as at 17-Nov-2016) €159
- Tobii EyeX ¹ - listed price (as at 17-Nov-2016) €109
- Irisbond Duo - listed price (as at 17-Dec-2018) €1590
- Steelseries Sentry Eye Tracker (this is actually a re-branded Tobii EyeX) ¹ - listed price (as at 17-Nov-2016) $139.99
- myGaze - listed price (as at 03-Nov-2016) €499/$499 Older and newer versions both supported.
- Alienware 17 - Includes an EyeX compatible eye tracker
- Tobii PCEyeMini - listed price (as at 12-Sep-2016) £2,168.75
- Tobii REX ¹ - listed price (as at 15-Jul-2015) $795 / €595
- Tobii PCEye Plus ¹ - listed price €1599
- Tobii PCEye Go ¹ ² - listed price $1,995
- Tobii X2-30 ¹ - prices are difficult to find, but an article from 2013 lists the price as $20,000 AUD (roughly $15,000 USD) + TAX
- Tobii X2-60 ¹ - prices are difficult to find, but an article from 2013 lists the price as $40,000 AUD (roughly $30,000 USD) + TAX
- EyeTech TM5 mini eye tracker ³ - listed price £3,600+ on reseller sites
- TheEyeTribe - listed price (as at 15-Jul-2015) $99
- ITU GazeTracker - cost varies as this is a DIY project
¹ All Tobii eye trackers must be used with the Tobii Eye Tracking Core Software (previously the Tobii EyeX Engine) available for download here
² The PCEye Go must have firmware version 1.1.5 or later - see Using the PCEye-Go-tracker
³ The EyeTech TM5 is not currently supported, but instead it can be used to control the cursor position which can in turn can control Optikey, as shown in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M7FVBuMcec
Tobii Eye Tracker 4c Review

Other input methods:
Optikey is designed to be used with an eye tracker, but you do not need one.
If you have an eye tracker which isn't yet fully supported, you may be able to use mouse emulation to control Optikey.
You can also control Optikey with a standard mouse, or use a webcam if you want to try it out.

Adding full support for new eye trackers may be possible - if you have an unsupported tracker then get in touch and I will see what I can do: help@optikey.org
User's Manual Tobii X2-60 Eye Tracker 2017
Check out the differences between TheEyeTribe tracker and the Tobii EyeX tracker (the two lowest cost tracker available): 'The Eye Tribe Tracker vs. Tobii EyeX'
Demo videos of Optikey + Tobii EyeX: Video 1, Video 2